A radical new honest approach to fitness is set to launch in Surry Hills. And it promises to take the world by storm. It’s called ‘Fitness Fifth’ and it’s a direct and bold challenge to rival Fitness First.

Billy Johnstone, the founder of Fitness Fifth talks about the philosophy behind the brand, “In the real world fitness doesn’t come first, it comes somewhere down the line after sex and drinking.”

And Billy has the research to back it up, “Initial surveys indicated a modern busy professional’s needs, wants and priorities were primarily fitness related. But after neural implants and lie-detector tests, the needs, wants and priorities of individuals in Sydney were confirmed and ranked, in order, as the following:

  1. Drinking
  2. Sex
  3. Eating
  4. Sleeping
  5. Fitness

And so a revolutionary new trend in fitness was born: Fitness Fifth, and it’s set to be launched in 26 countries around the world.

The first floor is an extensive open planned bar modelled by Justin Hemmes.

The second floor is a series of romantically themed rooms featuring queen sized beds, from Rock’n’Roll, to science fiction based cos-play and due to popular demand, our new ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ room.

The second floor at Fitness Fifth is dedicated to sex. Here is one of the romantic rooms.

The third Floor is an upmarket restaurant with an all-you-can-eat bistro designed by Matt Moran with everything from seafood to high-end desserts.

The third floor at Fitness Fifth is all about eating and features Matt Moran’s new restaurant.

The fourth floor features a series of individual ‘sleep pods’ with sensory deprivation.

A Sleep Pod at Fitness Fifth’s fourth floor.

The fifth floor features a mini tramp, a pair of dumbbells and an exercise bike.

The gym on the fifth floor features one mini tramp. Clients are advised the elevator only goes to the fourth floor.

“It’s an exciting time for Surry Hills. It’s an exciting time for the world. And yes, we do expect the kind of cult following that Fitness Fifth had when it hit the market,” said Johnstone.