The Dalai Lama has admitted he has gained the vast amount of his teachings from Beth, a Surry Hills high school girl he has been following on Instagram. The Dalai Lama is a symbol of unification of the state of Tibet where he represents Buddhist values and traditions, but it’s been revealed the inspirational quotes on Instagram from Beth have formed the backbone of his teachings in recent months.

An example of Beth’s philosophical musings on Insta that have been adopted by the Dalai Lama.

An aide to the Dalai Lama said the quotes help him connect with a younger audience.

Moreover, the musings from the girl have been said to inspire the Dalai Lama himself, shifting his perspective on the world.

“Powerful. Real” whispers the Dalai Lama in reverence. “Such wisdom. From such a young mind.”

The Dalai Lama has now modelled himself after the girl’s Instagram posts.
The girl seems unperturbed that the leader of Buddhism is emulating her every move on Insta.

Asked how she possesses such extraordinary empathy, clarity of mind and emotional intelligence Beth thinks and responds:

“Not sure. When Brad broke up with me I went through a hard time. Spent a lot of time in my bedroom. Just thinking.”

In recent months the Dalai Lama’s teachings have skewed towards empathising with troubled teenage girls. Now it can be explained why.

More evidence that the Daliah Lama is obsessed with Beth.
Beth loves the ‘trigger pull’. Now, it seems so does her Tibetan devotee.

It can be confirmed the Dalai Lama wants to meet Beth.

“When we can find time in her schedule we’ll arrange a meet” said Max Markson who now represents Beth.

Beth has a strong philosophical presence on social media that caught the Dalai Lama’s eye.


Due to Beth’s influence, the Dalai Lama has been experimenting with drugs as evidenced  throughout his permanently lit 8 week trip to Europe.