Research has revealed that the vast majority of Sydney residents and commuters who wear earphones are actually listening to self help podcasts and audio books.

This is in stark contrast to the aloof, arrogant, independent demeanour of individuals who at a cursory glance seem so supremely confident they in fact have no need to socialise or interact with fellow pedestrians.

These individuals look self-assured, but it would seem otherwise. In fact, a random street survey conducted by The Surry Hills Times revealed that 82% of people in the East were in fact not listening to music tracks as they initially claimed but self help tracks.

When they revealed what they were listening to many eventually broke down in tears.

“It’s paradoxical. Those who are actually self-assured have the confidence to reveal cracks in their persona,” said psychologist Christine Guider. “Individuals who overtly present themselves as confident are generally not.”

All depressed.

If you or someone you know listens to earphones on the street support is available, contact The Surry Hills Times.