An art installation featuring the faces of Sydney Counsillors and Mayors including Lord Mayor Clover Moore featured prominently at the Surry Hills Festival.

Residents were forced to colour in their faces using crayons provided.

This grotesque self-promotion is of great concern to the good constituents of Surry Hills and surrounding suburbs.

Why residents would wilfully engage in professing their love to overpaid politicians is perhaps more concerning.

It is these very politicians who have effectively taxed overtaxed and I over governed the city we love to the point where it has become a sanitised joke.

The day before, a sign was erected on Crown Street banning alcohol on festival day.

Weeping in the street.

Several residents of Surry Hills gathered around said telegraph pole openly weeping at the G-rated padded-walled retirement home the city has become.

A city where the decision making abilities of adults has effectively been removed.

One resident however I made their feelings known.


The rest of Surry Hills responded to the ban by drinking in Shannon Reserve, responsibly.