Are you a Life Coach? Do you spend your days trying to motivate complete losers who have no direction? It can be tough at times to stay motivated. I should know, my name is Darren Mulvaney and I’ve been a life coach for 17 years.

In that time I’ve helped a countless number of total no hopers. Some mornings I found it hard to get out of bed. That’s what I realised that Life Coaches need a Life Coach.

Come along to my free seminar in Shannon Reserve adjacent The Clock Hotel on Crown Street where I’ll be holding a motivational talk on how life coaches can stay motivated when day in, day out they’re bombarded with an endless cavalcade of desperates.

Remember, Life Coaches you can do it!

And as I always say, “there’s no “i” in Life Coach, apart from the ‘i’ just after the ‘L’ and before the ‘f’…