Police on horseback patrolling the badlands of the Entertainment Quarter have averted a riot. Tensions escalated between two 8-year-old girls who were fighting over a pink tennis visor to breaking point before the officers intervened.

For years shopkeepers have been requesting more patrols on horseback in the Entertainment Quarter due to its unsafe reputation as aggressive mothers with prams rule the area with absolute force, running over the toes of anyone in their way.

As such, police have launched constant patrols on horseback.


“Thank God they’re here. Those kids fighting over that visor was one of the most horrific things I’ve ever seen. One of them cried when the other one took it. It could have developed into something more serious if the two police on horseback weren’t present,” said Marg, of Strung Out.

Earlier tensions were at breaking point when two mothers reached for a Danish pastry at the same time.