The man had a rethink. God bless him.
A Surry Hills man woke up one morning last week and realised he may be completely deluded and has changed his tattoo as a result.
The revelation began after the man saw Barnaby Joyce declare “Only God will judge me”.
“I instantly realised the hypocrisy of someone who used religion to justify behaviour that contradicts the basic tenants of that religion”, said Brandon (Last name withheld).
“And by employing the head of that religion – essentially a celestial being that in all probability doesn’t exist – he has effectively excused any behaviour no matter how deplorable, and negated any personal responsibility. “
“It’s disgraceful.”
“I thought, am I that full of shit too? That’s when I decided to that’s when I decided to contact Real Tattoos.”
Surry Hills’ ‘Real Tattoos’ owned by Bronco Djura 47, specialises in tattoo revisions. Particularly ones involving a spiritual revelation where an individual becomes aware they were incredibly pretentious.
“Real Tattoo is all about no nonsense, no bullshit tattoos. And I’ll be honest, business has been hard since we moved to the east. Business was thriving in Campbelltown. Here. Not so much. But very recently that has changed. People are gradually starting to realise they’re pretentious pieces of shit. That’s where we come in,” said Bronco.
The tattoo used to read:
The tattoo has since been revised, to read in full:
“ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE ME, and an actual judge, and Mother, and my friends, and people on twitter… especially people on twitter.”
“It’s some of our best work” said Surry Hills ‘Real Tattoos’.