Barry is supremely confident he will raise over $1 million in the upcoming auction.
Weeks after a teen made close to $4 million auctioning her virginity, a 32-year-old Surry Hills man, Barry Watson, is offering the same – and he’s predicting it will drive women crazy with bidding looking to get up to $1 million.
Barry still lives with his Mum who supports the move. “I just hope it gets him out of the house. He’s constantly on his PS4 playing World of Warcraft. I’m always making him his favourite meatloaf, I’m not sure he will make as much as he expects but I’m hoping he’ll make some money to pay his rent otherwise he’s out the door. But at least he’s having a go.”
Barry’s a professional blogger reviewing computer games, “You don’t meet many people in my profession. Am I nervous? Sure, I’ve watched a lot of porn lately so I’ve been practicing”.
His mother confirms, “He’s been practicing a lot, like every day, usually twice a day, in the shower. My water bill is through the roof.”
Barry’s auction comes less than two months after a 19-year-old US model sold her own virginity for a record $A3.9 million to an Abu Dhabi-based businessman.
The woman, known as Giselle, said in a statement released by the website that it was a “dream come true”. “Every woman has to decide on her own if it is worth to give her virginity for free to a boyfriend who maybe later on will break up with her, rather than selling it,” she said.
“But I made my decision and now I can study wherever I want, buy a new house and travel around the world. It gives me a lot of opportunities.”
Barry is now set to sell his first time — and he feels certain it will garner plenty of interest.
His advertisement is less than a day old, and he believes his offer is set to be a hit.
“Based on the deluge of inquiries previous virginity auctions received, I expect my virginity to go for mid-six figures to seven figures,” Mr Lemur said.
In a blog post titled “Why I’m Auctioning my Virginity”, Barry explains how people never believe he, as a 32-year-old, is still a virgin.
“If you saw me on the street and I told you that [I’m a virgin] you’d probably say, ‘yeah right! No way!’ But contrary to popular belief (and societal norms) 32-year-olds can be virgins too, I am happy to say,” he writes.
Barry writes about his childhood, how he was raised by a family with “very strong Christian values” and how he grew up “very sheltered”.
The now 32-year-old was sent to a strict Christian all-boys boarding school when he was 16 where he had no contact with girls.
“Needless to say, the lack of female company and deep religious study contributed to me becoming an adult virgin,” he writes.
After Barry’s ex-girlfriend, who originally told him she would wait until marriage to have sex, broke his heart and cheated on him numerous times kissing other boys in kindergarten, he decided enough was enough and has been single since.
“After grieving for a while, I came to the conclusion that waiting until marriage to lose my virginity was the wrong decision, because my ex-girlfriend wasn’t worth waiting for,” he writes.
“I thought that I could trade my virginity for my girlfriend’s lifelong devotion. I was wrong. “So, I decided that I was going to get something for my virginity — something that benefits me and my life. I wanted to lose my virginity in the most profitable way possible.”
“At the end of the day, it is my body. I have the right do what I want with it,” he writes.
“I do not think that capitalising upon your purity makes you a bad person. Just like having sex with multiple women does not make you a bad person. We all make choices. Mine was to wait. Now it is to sell,” he ends.
The auction for Barry’s virginity will close on September 15 and the event will be “consummated” on the weekend of October 13.