Home Entertainment Television The Bachelor: The Biggest Bitch of All is Matt

The Bachelor: The Biggest Bitch of All is Matt

Matt may not be Dog C*nt, but he certainly carried on like a little bitch, and it shouldn’t go unnoticed. Truth is, a mature, self-assured guy would have managed the wonderfully Australian ‘Dog C*nt’ crisis completely differently. The opposite way, in fact.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, I’m referring to an incident where Monique referred to Matt, The Bachelor, as a “Disrespectful Pig” and a “Dog C*nt”. And another girl, Abbie, foolishly told him under the guise that she felt he “had to know”. Yeah, right.

Now let me say this – as soon as Abbie said “there’s something I’ve got to tell you about what one of the girls has been saying about you,” a solid guy replies with any or all of the following: 

“I don’t even want to know. I’m sure whatever was said was under the influence of alcohol and wasn’t intended the way it came out. It’s none of my business. This is an unrealistic situation where people are under the spotlight and feeling pressure and they’re probably not themselves. It’s probably best to just let it go and be the bigger people…” 

You then go about your day like nothing’s happened and there’s no drama and it’s never heard of or spoken of again. Simple.

But what did Matt do? Like a schoolboy he couldn’t let it go and went on to conduct a full investigation, drilling the majority of girls in the house for information. He even let it ruin a date with the stunning Helena choosing to end the day with the catastrophic words, “See you soon”.  

The fallout from the dramas in that house is no one’s fault but Matt’s. 

At the conclusion of the evening, like a headmaster he reprimanded the girls with, “Tonight’s been a tremendous waste of time. I’m pissed off. That’s it”.

As was the intention, the girls looked sheepish. Helena responded to the group with, “This is embarrassing. We need to check ourselves.”

But who was the one running around from girl to girl conducting an interview over what was allegedly said? 

Matt, be the bigger person. Grow a set and realise you’re on a TV show and under that pressure cooker, in a house full of men or women, there is going to be bitchiness. Who cares? Move on. 

What’s more I have no doubt the whole ‘Dog C*nt’ thing was in jest. In fact, there are reports that Monique and Rachael were doing Trent from Punchy impressions when the comment was made. And if you don’t know what the Trent from Punchy youtube clip is you have not lived.

It’s like this: the girls had a few. They were out by the pool. Monique was a little busted up that Matt had chosen Abbie over her. She was waxing lyrical and said, what she said… 

I’m imagining it was even said in the classic Trent from Punchy accent. For her part, the only thing Monique did wrong was not immediately fess up and say “Yes, I said that. And I was mimicking Trent – so what?” 

I’m guessing the reason the producers never revealed the footage is because it was said with a giggle, thereby negating any malice, which would devalue the drama. 

I have no doubt Matt would never have witnessed the majesty of Trent, as he’s had his face in books for the last few years, but as soon as a producer played the clip to him he would have laughed. How could you not? 

And guess who would a cop the blame? Abbie for dobbing. Which is a bit of a Dog C*nt act in the first place.

Abbie was my favourite. She’s not anymore. And I used to think Matt was a solid guy. He’s not.