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Is Twitter Hijacking the News?

The trend towards journalists using Twitter feeds as legitimate sources is disturbing.

Moreover, many journalists fill up their columns with Twitter posts when they actually have nothing to say. “It really fills out an article” said one unnamed source. But users of Twitter disagree:

Tom said, “I am disgusted at how lazy journalists simply use Twitter feeds in place of actual journalism, when did this become the case? I remember reading actual articles once upon a time not just sad reproductions of people’s Twitter feeds.”

Melissa said, “On the subject of Twitter in relation to journalism I could not agree more. Why do journalists think it’s okay to just jump on Twitter to copy and paste what people write on Twitter? #itsnotokay”

Name said, “So sick and tited (sic) of reading an article but instead of reading a journalists opinion I just get Twitters…”

The Surry Hills Times can report that many reporters admitted to being lazy and simply repeating what they read on Twitter. Other journalists use Twitter to take the pulse of social media, but this is by its nature selective.

But this unnamed journalist gave another perspective: “These days Newspapers are all about the bottom line. That’s why I like Twitter. Twitter is immediate. Chasing a real lead takes time. It’s hard work. Twitter is for lazy journalists. I think it’s appalling. Right now we’re witnessing the fall of journalism.”

Still, another disagreed, “Nothing can replace actually getting out and talking to a source face to face. Many many journalists lean on Twitter. It’s irresponsible. I’m sick of reading the newspaper online and it being filled up with other people’s Twitter comments. The Twitterverse is full of trolls and toxic people. Twitter has seen the death of responsible journalism. Great journalists would be rolling in their graves.”

Here are some others who agreed:

Mike said, “Can journalists please pull their finger out and actually create some original content as opposed to just writing what people write on Twitter and then actually pasting that exact feed?”

Olivia said, “I get the unmistakeable feeling as I write this that I will be placed into an article and not only quoted but this actual tweet will appear in an article about Twitter in articles…”

Liv said, “Okay, so in response to mainstream newspapers coping Twitter feeds as content I’m just gling (sic) to say this to see if I’m quoted “poo bum wee” repeat “poo bum wee”.”