After using the N word live on air twice Ray Martin looks set to become a rapper.
After using the ‘n-word’ twice on air Ray Martin has attempted to deflect the media storm by saying he identifies with the plight of African Americans, and is toying with the idea of becoming a rapper, henceforth known as “Ray Ray”.
During the Royal Wedding coverage last Saturday, a horrifying faux pas by Martin on the SBS live coverage almost went unnoticed.
A discussion with co-hosts Myf Warhurst and Joel Creasey about how Prince Harry’s wedding to Meghan Markle signified a shift in racial attitudes by the British royal family went pear-shaped when Martin used the ‘n-word’ twice.
It seems Martin’s PR team has gone into overdrive ever since: the veteran broadcaster has undergone a complete image change.
In an interview with the Surry Hills Times Martin insisted on being referred to only as “Ray Ray”, saying he feels for his “fallen homies” as he pours a bottle of Cristal on the ground.
Throughout the interview Martin used the ‘n-word’ 278 times.
More to come.