Home Entertainment Advertising Investigation: Extra Large Cage Eggs Not Actually From Extra Large Cages

Investigation: Extra Large Cage Eggs Not Actually From Extra Large Cages

A well-known egg farm has been sued by the federal government for misleading labelling: “Extra Large Cage Eggs” are to be immediately relabelled as “Eggs that are Extra Large From Very Small Cages.”

Georgia, 27, a thought broker from Phelps Street was horrified, “There was I thinking the chickens were in a nice big cage able to walk around and hang out. Kind of like a human in a Surry Hills Studio. Not exactly spacious but not inhumane, or inchickane.”

The ruling will will cost the company tens of millions, and potentially hundreds of jobs.

In a landmark case the Supreme Court of the Federal Government has convicted the company for a misleading claim whereby anyone could easily misread and misinterpret the label as being Eggs produced by a chicken in a large cage” said Crown prosecutor Mark Tedescy.