Home Fashion How to Enter Brothels Under the Radar

How to Enter Brothels Under the Radar

It's very simple: dress as a tradie.

LIFEHACKS: It’s a question for the ages: How do you enter a Gentlemen’s Club without looking like you’re a client? It is indeed a vexing conundrum. A burka is the obvious first choice.

Beyond that, masquerading as a tradie makes an excellent second choice. You’ll need a high-vis vest, shorts, a tool belt, boots, potentially a hard-hat, and an additional piece of indispensable paraphernalia is a clipboard and pen.

This man is a dentist.

The name of the game here is not to rush things.

After all you’ve got nothing to hide. You’ve been legitimately called out on a job and there’s nothing to see here. The idea is to slowly walk along house by house ostensibly lost looking at numbers not knowing where you are.

Then fake a call to your boss, asking where the address is look at the clipboard to cross-reference, then in you go!

When you come out an hour later make sure your hair is dry and you have grease marks on your hands and face. 

You’re welcome Surry Hills.