Home Entertainment Animal Life Call For an End to Animated Greyhounds on National Dog Day

Call For an End to Animated Greyhounds on National Dog Day

A small but vocal crowd gathered in Surry Hills outside the Shakespeare Hotel on Devonshire Street yesterday to protest the running of animated greyhounds on TAB screens throughout the country.

The protest was more poignant as yesterday was National Dog Day.

The fervent group felt that whilst the animals are computer generated, and no actual dog is harmed in the running of these races, the sentiment behind the cartoon dogs remains.

“Racing of greyhounds in any form is deplorable,” said Charlie Murch, 25,  a sculptor from Surry Hills. “It’s disgusting”.

“What’s more, the effort that goes into naming the dogs is literally a joke. They come up with names like “Human Dog”, and “Big Dog”. It’s appalling.”

The protesters feel the name ‘Human Dog’ is silly, and even 3D dogs deserve better.

The Surry Hills Times contacted the owner of ‘Big Dog’ who felt the name was perfect as the dog was a dog and also big.

Around lunch a chant sprang up “Down with 3D Dogs!”. This quickly turned violent. 

Police were called shortly afterwards.

Ironically the Police Dog Unit was called in. Two police dogs immediately sprang into action and savaged 100% of the protestors.

23 are currently in St Vincents, being treated for large dog-related lacerations.

The police dogs’ names were “Scout” and “Trooper”.

They have as yet made no comment.