'Pocket Call Dating' is now on every continent.
In the deeply confusing world of dating with dozens of apps and online dating platforms the quest to find a partner is more challenging than ever.
Any fresh approach is a good approach. One innovative dating coach has potentially found the solution. Particularly when that partner could already be in your list of contacts.
“It may be an ex you’re still pining after it may be a colleague or it may be a friend possibly a love interest who has friendzoned you that you haven’t seen in years,” says Mark Cannon, founder of ‘Pocket Call Dating’.
Mark goes on to spruik, and I must say, as a single gal it’s making sense.
“That’s where ‘Pocket Call Dating’ comes in. With my patented technique you will be equipped with the tools required that makes a pocket call seem completely spontaneous and out-of-the-blue. From there you’ll learn how to launch into some quality small talk before moving to Phase Three – Securing a Date.”
And apparently we have Adele to thank for this new increasingly popular style of dating.
“Hello, it’s me. I was wondering if after all these years you’d like to meet…”
“I heard the Adele song ‘Hello’ and it inspired me. I thought, ‘what if that actually happened for real, but in the form of a pocket call’. So after a nip of courage I picked up my phone and called an ex. The rest is history.”
Five years later ‘Pocket Call Dating’ has become a thing. Pocket calls are flourishing worldwide: it’s in 26 countries, on every continent.
“We’ve had dozens of marriages. In fact, statistics show that you probably already know your soul mate. More than likely you have their number in your phone, so why not utilise it?”
Makes sense to me.
To find the next course in ‘Pocket Call Dating’ please contact the Surry Hills Times.