Home Lifestyle How To Women Banned from Putting On Makeup On Buses

Women Banned from Putting On Makeup On Buses

The City of Sydney Council has confirmed plans to fine women from putting makeup on public transport. It’s a move that has outraged time-poor professional women throughout the city.

It’s seen as sexist by many, but the plan was instigated by the Mayor herself Clover Moore.

Moore stated “I find the time to put on makeup every morning. I wake up at 4.30am and my team put on my make up until 8.30. It’s part of my morning routine.”

Research conducted by the City of Sydney confirms that 83% of commuters found women women putting makeup on the bus off-putting with the most common term used to describe the practice as:


Women’s groups are outraged.

“It’s offensive. I’m disgusted.” said Cynthia Holden. “It’s the birth-right of women everywhere to put on make-up whenever or wherever they freakin’ well choose.”

Ms Holden is organising bus-loads of unmade-up women to get on buses from Monday where they will receive makeup advice from Ms Napoleon Perdis.

But Mayor Moore is unmoved. “If I can get my makeup done so can every woman. I mean look! It’s literally an inch thick!”

“Get on board. But not to do makeup.”